07 July 2013

At Skyler's Baptism

Ami: Sometimes the Holy Ghost gives you that icky feeling in your tummy when you do something you're not supposed to do.
Skyler: Like when I eat salad?

DC trip

"Look, that car is from carmax..."
"What? You mean that company that makes lip balm?"
"No, that's carmex. One vowel does make a difference,"
"Oh I was wondering--'Chapstick is making cars now?'"
-James and Jess while en route to DC

"Oh sweet mother of doughtnut!"
-Jessica, after going 9 months without a Krispy Kreme since there aren't any where we live now

June 27, 2013

"Andrew, don't step on that n..."
"Nailed it... Arrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!!!!"
-Dad and Andrew at scout camp while cleaning an old medical shed